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Agression twards new baby

20 14:04:34

Hello, recently my friends cat has begun attacking her baby after, during or while it is crying, They are unsure what to do and fear that they may have to put him to sleep. Any suggestions?


It must be a first time mother. They sometimes are not sure what to do with their babies. It might be best to take the baby away and hand feed it and give it back to the mom when it is sleepy. You don't say how old the baby is. If it is an older baby, she may be trying to train it not to cry because in the wild a crying baby will attract predetors. If the baby is old enough I would get the mother spayed. That will help calm her down. A female cat can get pregnant 48 hours to 2 weeks after giving birth and if she is in heat again that would make her aggressive. I would also call a veterinarian and ask their opinion.
