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Questions re my cats behaviour

20 14:04:20

Hello I have a half siemese 3 year old cat. He is very particular about his litter box. It almost always has to be scooped after every time he goes. Then new littler needs to be sprinkled on top in between. I also try and change the entire litter box every 1-3 days. He meows and meows until I scoop it and sprinkle new litter on top.
He is an inside cat but we let him out on our deck to get fresh air. He is constantly wanting in and out. Meows and meows until he gets what he wants. He always gets what he wants.
He also likes to drink out of the bathroom sink, so we run the tap for him when he tells us he is thirsty. He does have a fresh bowl of water by his food dish, but he prefers the tap.
He has me trained, and always gets what he wants. I could go on and on.
Please help me and tell me if there is anything I can do to change his behaviour, please tell me it's not too late.  


Siamese, even half, are VERY vocal...about anything! But it sounds to me like he is a bored, vocal kitty. He needs a friend his age to play kitty games with, keep him company, and to snuggle with. 2 (or more) cats are easier to take care of than one cat because it takes the pressure off of you to keep him amused and give him attention.

About the litterbox: have you looked into something like the LitterMaid Self-Cleaning Litterbox? The litterbox is always clean. I love them.

Leave the patio door cracked open so he can come and go himself. If he is like a couple of my cats, you can do it all day if you let them. I have one that will go to the door and yell to go outside (if the door isn't open). When I get up and go to the door and open it it's like she says "no, I changed my mind. I'll go out later" and turns around and goes to lay down. Just when I get busy again, she's back at the door yelling...and it's another false alarm. I finally end up booting her butt outside to stop her attention-getting behavior. BUT...then it starts again about wanting back in! After throwing a fit at the door, she decides "no, I don't want in after all..maybe later"! GRRRR!

Some of my cats drink out of the bathroom sink too. I leave a trickle going for them from the faucet. A LOT of cats prefer to drink out of a faucet or the toilet. It's because the water is fresh and cool. Don't wash your cat's bowl with soap...ever! It picks up a film from the soap and they don't like it. Also do not use plastic bowls. The water absorbs the taste of the plastic which is another reason they avoid their bowls if they have another option.

To stop his behavior get him a kitty friend, new toys, things to keep him amused, etc., BUT ignore him when he starts trying to get your attention (as long as you know it's not important). If his behavior got your attention once then that's what he will keep doing. Ignore him (I KNOW it's hard when it's a Siamese). If he's not getting your attention he will EVENTUALLY give up...but he will probably try another way! If you even give in once, ignoring him will never work again because he knows if he goes on long enough you will eventually give in, so he will continue longer and until you do. Remember, he's got nothing but time.

It also would be a good idea to take him for a checkup to make sure his being vocal and restless is not being caused by a medical issue instead of a behavioral issue. He may have a urinary tract infection, urinary crystals, or kidney stones. If he does, and they cause a blockage, it is always fatal to male cats if not caught in time.

I hope this helped.
