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kittens not using litter box

20 13:54:40

The cat I took in has had kittens and has moved them to my closet. It is a very large closet. She is an excellent mother, but the kittens are now 4 weeks of age. How will they learn to use the littler box? Will she take them there?  They still are not eliminating on their own, but are healthy and active and moving about freely in the closet, which by the way is a step down closet, so they can't really get out of it yet. I don't want a littler box in my closet. Help!


I'm very sorry I didn't answer your question earlier but the hard drive in my computer died and I was just able to get it replaced.

If you keep a litterbox where the kittens are they will use it. I have always kept a litterbox with the kittens and all the kittens I raised were litter trained by themselves.

It is important that you do NOT use clumping litter when you have kittens. Some kittens will eat litter (that's normal) and if you use clumping it will 'clump' in their intestines which can cause a fatal blockage. Only use clay litter with kittens.

Kittens do not go very far to use a litterbox which is why you need one close to them. You may not want a litterbox in your closet, but if you have kittens in there you need one, or you may end up with 'messes' on the floor and kittens not trained to use a litter box, which mother helps with.
