Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Lost Kitty

Lost Kitty

20 13:58:07

QUESTION: Dear Tabbi,

Last night my 2 cats accidentally escaped out our back door. My husband found one an hour later just standing outside the door. The other one has not shown up yet. He is an indoor cat and has never ventured out. It has been a little over 12 hours now.  We put his playhouse outside with a piece of dirty laundry and some food in it. We don't suspect the neighbors have let him in because there are many outdoor cats here (it's a private college campus) and they know that many cats outside have owners. Is there anything further we can do to make sure he comes back? I'm very worried. Thanks for your help!

ANSWER: Kristin,

Hopefully your kitty has come back by the time you read this. More than likely the kitty is close by and hiding because of the strange noises and cats around. Possibly he is up a tree. He may be afraid of a 'bully cat' and is holed up somewhere.

Put posters up with his picture on it, especially where people nearby go to get gas and food. Call nearby vets in the very slight case someone found him injured and took him for care.

He may be enjoying his freedom and will come back when the newness of having freedom wears off.

Note: inside cats should be collar trained and wear a breakaway collar with your name, address, or cell phone number on it just for this type of accidental escape.

The best time to call your cat is very late at night when all is quiet. That way you can hear him if he meows without all the background noises that can cover his voice.

I wouldn't worry too much yet. If there aren't any coyotes or mean kids or dogs around, then you should find him soon.

Let me know. I know the panicked feeling of not being able to find a cat and I sympathize with how you feel.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You were right! I found him way before I read this. He was about 20 feet away from the house in the small wooded area. I called his name and he responded. I think he had his fun at that point and was ready to come home. Thank you so much for your time!


I am SO glad you found the kitty!

He will probably want to go out again now that he knows what is out there. I would take him out periodically and put him down, staying with him, and let him explore. He will feel confident with you there and will enjoy getting out some.

Or...leash train both of them. Here is an excellent website that shows you how:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)
