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Toilet Paper

20 13:58:18

My cat is a 6 year old female cat who is spayed and declawed in the front.  The problem I have is she destroys any toilet paper and/or paper towels.  She will carry it around in her mouth and chew it and rip it into a thousand pieces and leave all over the house.  Why is she doing this and what can I do to correct the behavior.  We also have a 6 year old male cat, neutered and declawed.  They have been together since they were kittens but he doesn't do anything like this.


She has just found a 'toy' that she likes to play with. Some cats like the feel of the soft papers and the sound of them shredding. It's fun for them and it's a way to keep themselves amused, albeit a messy one.

I have one that eats just a corner of a piece of toilet paper when she wants to. Some say that it is a need for fiber in their diet.

I have a blind kitty that, when someone uses the restroom, sh runs in there and they have to pull a strip for her to play with and tear. She quits when they are done. Go figure. Sometimes only a cat knows why they do some strange things.

What is weird is I used to come home and about twice a week there would be toilet paper in the litterbox! It stopped so I never knew what THAT was all about, or which cat was....trying to be human?

It's a harmless habit. It depends whether you want her to have fun or you don't want a mess. If it gets too annoying, put the paper towels and toilet paper in a cupboard where she can't get them and try to find her some other type of toys she will like.
