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Agressive kitten

20 13:56:41

I have a two months old kitten, we got him seven days ago. At first he was really shy and cuddly, he rubbed his face on my chin and mouth. Now all he wants to do is attack me while I sleep or even while I sit on a couch or on a floor. He doesn't do that to my husband, but I'm the one who cleans his litter box, feed him and play with him. I also change his diet. I give him raw food and and healthy caned food as they told me at a pet store. He likes it, but I think it makes him more active and wild. Before we got him he lived in a smaller place then our apartment and he never went outside, but he had his brothers to play with. I play with him a lot, but it seems I can't replace his brothers. I tried spraying him with a water bottle, but it doesn't work, he keeps on attacking me, bites my face and scratch me. He also meows a lot and wants to be piked up (that's hard to do so when I cook), if I don't pick him up he climbs up my pants (which is quite painful). Otherwise he is a very sweet kitten.


You got your baby when he was 7 weeks old and that is young to be taken from his mother and siblings.

Yes, he is probably missing them very much and now you are his family and he is playing with you as he would another kitten. You should always get 2 kittens when you get a kitten. They NEED a fellow playmate to play kitty games with, roughhouse with, snuggle with, and to be comfort and companionship when they are alone.

A human can't replace other kittens. I would get another kitten for your kitten. If you can't get a sibling, then I would try to find one about the same age and temperament as yours. He is lonely. Plus everything is new to him and unfamiliar, he is clinging to you for attention, security and reassurance.

Also give him lots of toys to play with and bat around.
