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kitten doing things out of spite...

20 13:57:25

Dear Tabbi,
OK, so I've never had a kitty before.
I've always grown up with dogs, therefore, I am ignorant!
Like a bratty kid, I feel as if he is trying to test me everyday!
He chews on the wires, he goes into hard to reach places and pees/poops, and everytime I scorn him, (rolled up piece of paper to the backside-so i'm told-) he gets worse!
I have used verbal demands and will go and get him when he chews on these electrical wires...BUT, when I do so...he bites/ scratches! Even now he is trying to bite my hand as I type!
I am running out of patience
btw...should I seriously ignore him?; (as read on one of your last replies)


Thank you for taking the time to read this...

On pins and needles,


Your kitten is trying to get attention from anyway he thinks he can. What you should do right away is get your kitten a another kitten for a friend. Kittens NEED to play alot and they need a friend to play kitty games with and for companionship that a human can't give them. 2 kittens are easier to care for than one. They play with each other so you don't have to spend so much time keeping them amused. One bored kitten can be very destructive if he doesn't have enough to keep him occupied. That is normal.

Some cats have a lot of energy and need someone to play with, lots of toys to keep them amused (little balls, furry stuffed toy mice, etc.) and to burn up energy. Get a pet laser light too (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.). Cats love the chase the 'little red bug'! It burns up energy and is fun to watch them.
