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My cats and kittens

20 13:54:10

QUESTION: Ok... so i have 2 cats and one of my cats just had 6 kittens( her name is cutie),on  7/18/09, and the other (named tigger)and every time cutie goes by tigger, tigger hisses, and runs away. IS THIS NORMAL...OR IS SOMETHING WRONG??? e-mail me back please.

ANSWER: Kalley,

Tigger is hissing because Cutie smells different since she had kittens. Cat have recognition by smell and not by sight. Tigger probably thinks Cutie is another cat! Tigger will settle down when either Cutie smells like herself again or Tigger finally realizes that it is the same cat.

Don't worry, that is a normal reaction.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i told you the whole story.. but this morning tigger hissed at my father when he picked her that normal... will tigger bite us


Tigger is upset and nervous so it's normal for her to hiss at people too. Give her lots of love and attention and try to keep her away from seeing the mamacat for awhile. Some cats are scared of kittens. She will settle down as she gets used to mom and the kittens.

I would give the mom a few days to bond with the babies then you can pick them up for a short time if mom doesn't get too upset.

Remember that mom can get pregnant again in as little as 48 hours to 2 weeks after giving birth!

Mom also needs to eat about four times as much as she normally does because the babies take a lot out of her. It is good to feed her kitten chow while she is nursing, then feed the babies kitten chow for their first year. It has protein and nutrients that they all need. Lots of fresh water too.
