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Male neutered cat wants to mate with owner

20 13:57:17

I just read your answer to the girl who had a neutered male cat who humps her other neutered male cat. Have you ever seen a neutered male cat who tries to mate with his female owner? He is 3 years old and was neutered only 3 months ago. He starts by kneading - then all 4 legs are kneading and his hind quarters tremble. Then he wants to bite me to hold on - the way male cats grab the females neck. He bites harder the more aroused he gets and it is difficult to get him off! Because I don't let him get my arm in his mouth anymore, he will bite on my clothes or the blanket. He gets into a trance-like state. He has even started to do this to me in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping. It would be funny except for the fact that his bite is lethal! Plus, it's just a bit strange to deal with! Have you seen this before? Should the behavior start to wane eventually? And if not... ?


Yes. Since there isn't another cat in the family, you have become the object of his affections! (smile).

I also have a male neutered cat that is SO affectionate and loving with a strong male mentality, that he will start kneading, licking, and going into a trance-like state too. If it is allowed to go on he will ejaculate, then go to sleep!

I have a friend whose cat has a stuffed 'girlfriend'. He does the same thing to the stuffed toy that my cat does, and what your cat is doing to you! He's had this same 'girlfriend' for two years!

Do not scold him for behaving like that because it is instinct for him and he is not being a 'bad kitty'. That will only confuse him because he won't understand what he is doing wrong. The main thing is DO NOT pet him when he starts behaving that way! That will only stimulate him more. What you should do is distract him with food, pull a shoestring, etc. You can try getting a large piece of a soft material at a fabric store, like velour, or velvet. Make him a nest on the floor and put him on that. He should trance on that and leave you alone. Don't talk to him though because then he will refocus on you and come back.

He just has a strong male mentality. Even though he can't actually do anything, he still thinks he can. Since he was neutered recently it may be taking a while for the testosterone to leave his body, though it usually only takes about a month. A female in heat that he can smell may trigger it, he may be showing you affection and treating you like you were a female cat (a compliment....he loves you!), or petting him for too long may stimulate him and he is reacting to it.

He may stop it in time, but it's possible that, like mine, he is just a natural 'lovebug' and it will be part of his personalty. If mine is going to behave that way it is usually when he gets on the bed with me and is tired, content, and (almost) ready to go to sleep. Mine won't bite like yours does, but he 'nips' (like when they are biting a flea).

I hope this answers your question satisfactorily,
