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Kitty Wandering Off Quite Far

20 13:58:43

We have a 1-year old Siamese kitten who has been neutered. Recently he has taken to going to the local park, which is maybe a quarter mile away and across a few streets. He likes to play with the children and chase the squirrels. When we go over and pick him up whenever somebody calls us, he runs right over to us, so he isn't trying to rebel. He is very vocal about wanting to go outside, so keeping him indoors would be a very painful option. What can we do to keep him local?


Cats are independent creatures and do what they want. They have no reasoning ability so they don't associate going to play where they want with danger.

You need to get him something that will attract his attention and keep him home. Maybe some type of outside cage with a pet squirrel in it or birds. Maybe adopt a couple of kids (smile).

There is a cat fence that is an 'invisible fence' that, if you own the property and want to spend the money, you can install to keep him in the yard. Here is some information about it:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)

Here are a couple of other links about fencing:

Hopefully he will get bored or outgrow going to the park, or something will scare him enough to start staying home.

I hope this helps.
