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Continuous Urination out of Litter box.

20 14:05:05

I have searched the threads and have found no answer to my particular question.  I hope that you may be able to help!

I have had a female Siamese for about 7 years, I got her when she was a kitten, and she has always urinated on everything.  When I first got her, I thought it to be just a kitten thing and her marking her territory.  She would urinate on my bed, my clothing, blankets, towels, etc.  I have tried using deterrent sprays from the time she was a kitten up until now, but she always urinates anyway.  I think the deterrent upsets her more and makes her want to do it more.  

She is a very possesive cat, she upsets very easily.  I use my computer everyday and she sits on my lap the entire time I am using it and she also sleeps in my arms at night under my covers, so I know that she is getting as much attention as possible.  There recently was a change that may be part of the current urination problem, we moved.  I have read that it is good to start out giving your cat a small area to be in and their littler box in the same area, and that's what we are doing.  She stays in our bedroom, which is about half the size of a normal master bedroom, she has her own litter box that I clean every day or every other day depending on her usage.  I change her litter once a week to ensure fresh and clean litter and her food is a good distance from the litter box, but yet she still urinates on our bed.

I believe that she has separation anxiety due to the fact that she mostly does it when I don't come to bed for some time.  When I leave the house for a few hours is usually when she does it.  Although she did do it this morning and I was just downstairs and not out of the house.  

I am about at my wits end with her.  She has been doing this for 7 years and I wish that there was some way to stop it!  Deterrents don't work, I dont believe she has a UTI because it's been 7 years straight.  I don't change her food on her, or her litter.  She does use the litter box 85% of the time, but I can't understand why she has to keep urinating on everything.

Do you know of any way that I can correct this issue?  Is there vitamins, medication, different kind of deterrent, etc that I can use??  If you could please help me I would highly appreciate it.  Thank you very much!


She stays in your bedroom? Do you mean ALL the time? If so, that would upset her greatly if she wants to be with you, and she would also be bored. And yes, the move would have upset her.

It would be good too to have her checked for any kind of hereditary problem in case it is a medical issue, like her kidneys.

They are like people in that cats sometimes have mental or emotional problems too. I would speak to the vet. If she gets upset so easlily he can prescribe 'kitty Prozac', which is becoming very popular. He can prescibe a short or long term treatment for keeping her calm.

More than likely she is just using that as a way to tell you she is upset with you because it's YOUR bed she is using and not a corner or the floor. It's inconvienient, but I would get a plastic mattress cover and put it over your bed when you aren't in it. She shouldn't want to go on your bed then (and if she did it would be easy to clean). And don't leave clothing around that is accessible to her.

Your cat is an example of why I am all for having 2 cats instead of one. They get too dependant on their human owner for companionship and play which is not good.

Here is an excellent homemade cat urine and odor remover:

1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon of liquid soap
GENTLY mix all ingredients in a non-metal container.

The mixture is best used when fresh but can be stored. Do not keep mixture in an airtight container! Have a VERY loose lid as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide when mixed together will release oxygen and an airtight container will explode! Always test for color-fastness. Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent in stronger concentrations and can lighten materials that are not color-fast.


For mattresses you must saturate the spot throughly to get deep down into the padding and springs to neutralize the urine. If the cat has urinated alot in one spot, the mattress can be soiled all the way to the other side! Let the area dry for 24-48 hours without bedding then reapply if necessary.


Put the items in the washing machine and pour in enough of the recipe to cover throughly. This might take a few gallons depending on the size of the load. Soak for at least 24 hours, rinse and then rewash using normal washing detergent. If any of the odor is still present, soak again for 24 hours, rinse and rewash.

A small area on a comforter can be spot treated by saturating the area throughly, letting it dry for 24 hours, then washing the comforter normally in the washer with detergent.
Always check for color-fastness before using.

I hope this helps.