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Smelly cat

20 14:03:37

Hi Tabbi,
I have read the answers from previous questions but it does not quite give me a solution to my problem. I have a 12mnt old male cat, he is not desexd. He smells. I know you are not supposed to bath cats but he will not go outside and therefore my house has begun to smell like him so i do bath him. no matter what i do he still smells. i change his kitty litter every day so i don't think this is the problem and even if i bath him in the morning he smells by that night. Should i get him neutered? will this help? Also he will not go outside. if i put him out he scratches at the door constantly, for as long as i leave him out. i have persisted for a few hours and he does not let up. HELP!!



You should not bathe a cat unless he has rolled in something nasty. You can not bathe away the "tomcat" smell of a tomcat. It is not in his fur.

YES! You should get the cat neutered as soon as possible. And yes, getting him fixed will stop that horrible "tomcat" smell.

You shouldn't force a cat to go outside if he doesn't want to. Especially if he is a tomcat. He doesn't feel safe or confident going outside. He is also likely to get beat up by other tomcats and get abscesses from bites, or worse injuries.
