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Bad Guest Behavior

20 14:05:49

Hello.  My cat Cece is misbehaving when guests come to visit.  I have had a house guest for 2 days and this morning she urinated in my husbands underwear drawer.  This is not the first time that she has done this.  She also did this when we had another house guest and she did it in the exact same drawer.  There are no medical problems and seems to be no problem the rest of the year with her litter box.  When guests are not here, she goes regularly in her litter box.  Obviously my husband is FURIOUS and very upset at Cece.  I need suggestions for how to help him get over this trauma as well as helping Cece to not do this again.  What should I do?


That is common behavior for a cat that is sensitive to show her displeasure at her routine and habits being disrupted, and the fact that she is probably being ignored more when guests are there.  She is trying to tell you in the only way she know how to send your guests to a hotel because that is HER house and she doesn't like strangers there! (smile)

Why does your husband leave his underwear drawer open and subject to the cat's show of hostility?

You can't get upset at the cat for behaving the way she does. She is not being a 'bad kitty', she is upset and feels threatened and is telling you so. She more than likely will behave in the same way if you go and leave her alone for a few days.

When you have guests give her a lot of extra love and attention... from you AND your husband, and even the guests. And kitty treats to re-assure her that you still like her even though there are 'strangers' in the house. Also leave your bedroom doors and drawers closed for a couple days after your guests leave until she forgets about them and until their 'smell' is gone.

Happy Holidays!