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change in my cat

20 13:55:09

my cat is 7months old and used to run around the house and play with my son and love going outside, in the last 2 weeks she will not go out, barely eats but drinks hasnt used the litter tray much and just sits and sleeps all day long and really looks unhappy. i have wormed her but still no change she doesnt cry if i touch her so i dont think she is in pain and she has got so skinny she doesnt do anything all day long. i dont know what to do next please help.


You may have wormed her for the wrong kind of worms. Also worms are being immuned to over the counter wormers. You should get worm medicine from a vet. Anytime a cat's behavior noticeably changes you should take it to the vet for a checkup as a precaution .

It sounds like she is depressed or sick. It could be any number of reasons for her behaving like that.

Is she spayed? That cures a lot of behavior problems.

I would find out if it is a medical issue before treating it as a behavioral problem.
