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Cats before and after spaying

20 14:04:52

Dear Tabbi;

I recently adopted a kitten from an acquaintance who could no longer keep her due to her energy levels and his small living space. She's been with me for almost a month now and is a real sweetheart, though very needy when it comes to attention. She mewls at me when I'm not petting her, shaking a toy at her, or paying attention to her in some way. It mostly reminds me of a small child saying, "Mommy! Look! Look at me! Mommy!" so I don't much mind, but it does seem a bit of a bad habit.

Miyuu's about 9 months old and has yet to be spayed, something I'm going to be taking care of at the end of the week. I've been told that cats go through a lot of behavior changes once they've been fixed, and was wondering if these "pay attention to me" mews were likely connected to her pre-spaying hormones or not. Are there any usual changes in pre- and post-spaying behavior among cats?


The meowing could be partly from calling/in heat, partly from the confusion of a new home and new owner, and partly from boredom.

A high energy kitty needs a kitty friend to play rough kitty games with, to chase, to cuddle with, and to comfort and keep them company when they are alone. 2 cats are easier to deal with than one bored, distructive cat, plus it takes some of the pressure off of you to keep them amused.

She may settle down a bit after spaying (especially from hormonal activity) but her basic personality will still be the same. You will be able to tell more after she is spayed.
