Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > My kitten is meowing nonstop and we dont know why!!!!

My kitten is meowing nonstop and we dont know why!!!!

20 14:07:08

My kitten  is "meowing" non-stop and we don't know why! Please help me!!! We fed it some food and it stopped meowing for a bit, then it started again!    


Here are some tips on correcting incessant meowing:

   * Ignore it. This is the most effective way to stop constant meowing, but also the most difficult. The meowing usually gets worse before it gets better, but eventually your pet will learn incessant crying doesn't work.. So don't give in, no matter how awful the caterwauling.
   * Deter it. If your cat starts meowing every morning at 4 a.m. because she's up and you aren't, give her a quick blast with a hairdryer or squirt bottle. Be subtle so she doesn't associate you with the unpleasantness.
   * Distract your pet. Cats often meow because they're bored. Leave a few toys around so your cat will have something to play with whenever she's in the mood.
   * Maintain a regular schedule. Cats are creatures of habit and will let you know they're upset about changes in their routine. A regular schedule means a happy cat.
   * An important note: Sudden, non-stop meowing from a normally quiet cat could indicate illness.  If your cat meows plaintively when trying to eat, groom herself or use the litter tray, consult your veterinarian immediately.
