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cat poops on my floor

20 13:57:53

hi my persian TJ got lost for 3weeks and ever since i have found him he now only wee's in his litter tray but he seems to be pooping near the tiolet or back door.. would you plaes advise wat i can do to make him use the litter tray again ?? i also have an 7 month tabby that is fine and no problems and TJ seems quite happy with him around .. i need help please !!


I would think about taking him to the vet for a checkup. He may have an intestinal problem like intestinal worms or an infection. If it is painful for him to poop then he would associate that pain with the litterbox and go elsewhere.

Try moving his litterbox close to where he has been pooping and see if that works.

But I would rule out a medical reason for his behavior before dealing with it as a behavior problem.
