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cat biting when I yell at my children

20 13:58:51

Have a 1 year old cat, when I am standing up and yelling at one of my kids, she will start to meow loudly and jump on me all claws out, if I am sitting and yelling she will jump in my lap and nip at my face or neck, all the while meowing very loud. When she starts doing this I usually just hold her and start petting her, which she allows. Besides not trying to yell at 5 kids is there something else I can do?


Some cats are high strung and ultra sensitive and they get upset easily. Maybe she is not a good cat to have around 5 kids. It sounds like she gets stressed easily by the tone of your voice.

She may be protecting your kids and when you yell at them she may think you are a threat to them, she is trying to tell you not to yell by nipping at you, or your tone of voice may be hurting her ears.

Getting her spayed, if she is not, may help a little to settle her down.
