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My Cat keeps trying to eat my hair

20 13:53:48


hi their my name is Ginevra and i have a 5 year old cat named
Isis who is an absolute sweet heart however when ever i am holding her she keeps trying to eat my hair witch is very long  i stop her by moving the hair out of her reach i try not to punish her to severely in that situation as i do not want to have her become scared of being held I'm curious to why she try's to eat my hair and am trying to find a solution that will get her to stop

hope U can hep Isis and i


What a pretty kitty!

Hair eating is VERY dangerous! The cat can swallow it and it can wrap around her intestines and cause a blockage which can be potentially fatal!

Tie your hair back or put it inside your shirt when you are holding her. Distract her with a toy or hold her so she can't reach your hair. She thinks your hair is something to play with. You have to break her of the for her safety. Cat's go by association and habit. Be firm that playing with your hair is a no-no. If she tries to play with it tell her "NO HAIR" an move her paws or mouth away from your hair. Say NO! a couple of times first then if she keeps trying, dump her on the floor (gently of course). Wait a few minutes and hold her again. If she tries to play with your hair again repeat until she associates getting dumped with going after your hair. You want her to be afraid to play with your hair, but NOT afraid of you. Distract her with something else that she CAN play with when you are holding her. And try to keep the hair away from her so it is not tempting.
