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Introducing Cats

20 13:55:01

My boyfriend and I got a kitten November 30th 2008, she was 9 weeks old when we got her. She has been the only cat living in the apartment with us besides the neighbor cat that comes to play with ours(which is also a female, same age as ours). Lica(our cat)has been the baby of the house,we consider her our first kid,she was also the runt of the litter.

Ive been wanting to get her a little brother or sister for the past two months so she has someone to play with when she is lonely.So the other day (April 7th 2009) my boyfriend and I looked at the newspaper and found a litter.We ended up getting a 6 week old boy.He is very small,I think almost still to young yet to be apart from his mother. Aside from that,we brought him home and Lica hates us. She hisses everytime she sees him,yet she constantly watches him from a distance and seems interested in what he does. Im just wondering how long will the go on for?Ive never introduced cats before.


That is a perfectly normal reaction by Lica. You've got to go through an introduction period slowly. It can take 2 weeks or more for them to start getting along. You can not just put them together and expect them to get along. That very rarely ever happens.

Hisses, slaps, and growls are normal kitty communication. She may warn him in those ways that she is the boss, don't get too close to her, etc. If she is watching him and shows interest then it sounds like things will work out fine.

I am attaching a couple of links on how to go about the introduction process:
(copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

When the little one gets a little bigger, getting a pet laser light (at PetSmart, etc.) is great for interaction between the two cats. They both can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls, and they tend to forget about the other cat as they focus on the 'bug' which helps them get used to each other.

It takes time and lots of patience. It will work out if you take it slow and don't force them together until they are ready.
