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cats meowing

20 13:52:33

I have a 6 month old male cat that we got when he was 7 weeks and found abandoned in a drain. He couldn't meow at all for about 2 months and now squeaks when he meows but he mostly 'chirps' like a bird, it is very loud, louder than a meow and tends do it when playing but he has taken to starting this 'chirping' any where between 3am and 5am and goes from room to room - i have tried to ignore it but normally end up getting up to lock him in the laundry, which is where the litter tray is etc. I have another  cat who sleeps all night, no problems. I'm not sure we can keep going like this - please help, thank you.


Is the cat neutered yet? If not, that could be a lot of his behavior problem and I would get him done as soon as possible.

Suggestion: play with him right before you go to bed. A pet laser light is an excellent interactive toy (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.)  A good play session before bedtime will tire him out, which is essential for a good nights sleep for you both!  
Then give him a can of catfood (or his big meal) after you play with him, just before you go to bed. That way he will have a full tummy, be tired from playing, and will sleep longer (hopefully!).

Also, as cats get older their dietary needs change. Your cat may be experiencing hunger pangs in the middle of the night and is trying to tell you that by his behavior. If you don't already, leaving a bowl of good quality dry cat food (cheaper brands have too many fillers which do not satisfy the cat's hunger) available all the time helps when the cat gets the munchies so he doesn't need to wake you up to eat.

The way to stop him waking you up is to ignore him. COMPLETELY! It is very difficult to do and annoying, but you can NOT acknowledge his actions in ANY way. He will EVENTUALLY stop when he doesn't get any reaction or attention from you. You have to be consistant though. If you even react once to him, then it won't work and it will be worse because the cat will know if he does it long enough eventually you WILL react, so he will keep it up longer.

DO NOT punish the cat. He is only trying to get your attention and tell you his wants the only way he knows how. If some behavior got your attention before, then that is how he will do it again...and again.

It also sounds like your kitty could be bored. Getting another kitty about his age and temperment might help. Cats need cat mates to play kitty games with, cuddle with, and keep them company.

I hope this helps..