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New kitten and 4 month old cat

20 14:06:18

I recently got a new kitten, she is about 4 weeks old and i already had a cat who was about 4-5 months old. At first, ofcourse the older cat did not like the new kitten, but seems to have stopped the hissing. But im not sure if the older cat(male)is playing with the new kitten or not. It looks like playing, but then i see the older cat biting at the female kittens neck. But other times i see the male cat licking the kittens privates. Please tell me whether or not this is ok, and whether my older cat is trying to hurt the new kitten.



No your older cat is being very good. Is the older cat neutered? It sounds like he is getting the mating urge (especially by biting the kittens neck) but is not sure about it because he is young. I would get him fixed if he is not...and soon.

As long as there isn't any blood being shed, major fur flying or ears pinned back by the older cat then it's OK.

4 weeks is young so make sure the older cat is not playing too rough with the kitten. If the kitten looks like she is tired or can't get away from the older cat then separate them for awhile. Bigger cats sometimes don't know how to play with a little one and can get carried away.
