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cat is sleeping in catbox!

20 13:56:43

I recently got a year old ferel cat spayed, and she is recovering in a secluded room inside a large dog kennel I bought for her. The kennel (cage) is covered with a blanket. She has food, water, cat toys, and a soft banket to sleep on. Why is she sleeping the cat box?


That is the million dollar question! I have one that has 8 week old kittens and she also started sleeping in the litterbox. The kittens even nursed sometimes in there. Now, the kittens also like to sleep in the litterbox!

Sometimes only a cat knows why they do the things that they do. It is comforting to them for some unknown reason.

Actually it is not good for the sutured area to be in the litterbox. It may get infected. But, Mother Nature takes pretty good care of cats, so you may not have any problems from it. If you can pick her up, keep an eye on the surgery area to make sure it doesn't look like it's getting infected. If it does, she may need antibiotics. But if that is where she wants to be, there is not much you can do about it.

I chase mine out of her box, but she still will periodically go back in it to sleep. Not as often as she did, but she still will do it.
