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cat behavior and my pregnancy

20 14:04:06

I am pregnant and my female cat doesn't want to have anything to do with me, what does this mean?



Your cat senses that something is different about you, whether by smell, instinct, or 'vibes'. Are you still giving her the same amount of attention as you did previously? If not, that could be upsetting her. Don't shut her out and ignore her now that a baby is on the way. Jealousy is a human emotion, but cats get a form of it.

Possibly her behavior may not have anything to do with your pregnancy. She could be 'pouting' for an altogether different reason.

I am including some links to good articles about cats and babies that you may find helpful for when the baby comes. They should be of help getting the cat used to the new baby: (copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar),%20Children,%20And%20Cats....

This horrifies some people but When my daughter was a baby our cat used to sleep in the crib with her. I never had any problems as a result of that, and my daughter grew up to be a cat lover.
