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behavior after spaying

20 13:55:34

I have a 10 month old female cat that was spayed yesturday.. she seemed groggy since then and now she is hiding under the bed and wont come out. I wanted to check the incision and i carefully moved her tail and she nipped at me. she never nips! i also saw puke under my bed. i feel like she wasnt treated the way she was supposed to be they didnt give me medications for her and i am worried.


It takes a while for the anesthetic to get out of their system. Remember, she just had a hysterectomy. As far as vomiting, she may have eaten some food or drank some water. She is not supposed to have anything until the next morning because it WILL make her sick.

Normally spayed cats are not given any medication. She probably hurts right now and is getting over the surgery and anesthetic. Plus she is upset at you for having it done. I would leave her alone for a couple days to recuperate.

She will be fine. If you are still concerned after 3-4 days, then I would give the vet a call and speak to him about it.

Thank you for being a responsible pet owner and getting her spayed.
