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Cats and dogs getting allong

20 14:04:56

We had 3 cats about 3 years old all spayed females, then we got a 6 week old cockapoo who we kept confined to the kitchen family room, the cats however could come and go freely. One of the cats has no problem with him the other tow just are not getting used to him one runs and makes him chase  her and the other just wants to confront him and try and fight, ( so far no fights) but we are trying to give him run of the house now that he is 7 months old but i am afraid one of them will get hurt, what is the best way to do this? Thank you for your help, Jan


Instead of a long answer I will attach some links to good articles on dog to cat introductions that should be helpful to you:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

I hope these are helpful and answer your questions.
