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My cat hates my dad

20 14:04:54

Hello, I have 2 cats both are very well behaved for me and come to me when they want attention. However when other people are around my older one comes running in for attention and my younger one runs the other way to hide, especially around my dad. I was holding her the other day and he came up and started petting her and talking really sweet to her when she freaked out and started hissing at him. I got scared and let her go, then she took off out of the room. Any reason why she would be so mean to my dad? She's been around my brother and didn't do anything like this to him.


Cats are like people. There are some people they just don't like. Usually it is something about their smell. No, not an offensive smell, just a smell from somewhere they have been, an animal they have been around, maybe a musk aftershave, or just in general.

Cats recognize a person by smell or voice and not by sight.
You can't force your cat to like someone, just as you can't force a person to like someone. It is their choice.
