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New kittens

20 13:54:46

I have 2 one year old cats, the female has just had 4 kittens.  They are locked in a separate room at the moment, when would it be safe to introduce my Tom to them.


You can, but I would supervise until you know the reaction of the mother and how the tomcat is going to act. It's best though to leave the mother be with the babies for at least a week. She can get nervous and feel her babies are threatened and come flying to attack the male, or if she is nervous or stressed it could affect her milk supply.

Also keep in mind that the mother cat can come into heat AND get pregnant from 48 hours to 2 weeks after giving birth! If you don't want more kittens or the hassle of cats in heat, now would be a very good time to get your tom neutered.
