Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > 10 mo old kitten will not deficate in the litter box

10 mo old kitten will not deficate in the litter box

20 14:07:21

My 10 month old kitten prefers the floor for pooping...He will urinate in the litter box, but will only use the floor for his "other business".  He seems to start in the box when he poops, but he "walks while doing his business" out onto the floor.  Why is this?  

Dear Eek

Thank you for your question.
It sounds like your kitten hasn't learnt the life skills it should have from it's mother.

Toileting in a litter tray isn't an instinctive behaviour to cats, it is a learned behaviour!  This means you are going to have to show your cat where you would like him to toilet.  

Whenever you see him toileting, pick him up and place him in the litter tray.  When ever you find any toilet out of the tray, put it into the tray.  This is because your cat will investigate the toilet in the training, and this will hopefully build a connection to toileting in the tray.

Kind Rgeards
