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Visiting old home

20 13:58:50

I used to live with my parents only a few miles from my new house.  My cat, Gracey also lived as an indoor/outdoor cat at my parents' house.  Gracey has become a completely indoor cat since moving from my parents' house.  I'd like to know if it is a bad idea for me to take Gracey back to my parents' house occasionally to visit their cat. Also, would I be making a mistake to allow Gracey to explore the outdoors a little at the new house now that she is adjusted to being an indoor kitty?  By the way, she adjusted to the move very quickly.  We've been here at least 4 months now.


My opinion is that a cat is much more well-adjusted being an indoor/outdoor cat.

If an indoor cat gets out accidentally it is very common that they will get lost - even if they are only 10 feet away from home - because they will not know where they are or how to return home if they have not had the opportunity to scent mark their outdoor territory...such as on bushes.

Introducing her slowly is the best and safest way if you have the time and the desire to do it correctly.

Your cat has had time to learn the new smells and noises of the new home so she should now know where she live.

I would hold her and walk around the garden area a few times without letting her down, letting her look around.

Next I would take her out and set her down, but sit with her and let her explore. It will make her feel secure knowing you are there. Do that 2 or 3 times for short periods.

Then I would leave the door cracked open and let her go out on her own as she feels comfortable. Having the door left open allows her to run back in if she gets scared of something. But keep an eye on her the first couple of times.

You shouldn't have any problem after that.

A lot of times a cat is happy going outside for a short time then they are ready to come back in, others enjoy staying out for extended periods. Preferably don't let her go out at night. That is the most dangerous time for an animal to be outside.

Collar train her while she is in the house. Then tape your address or cell number on a break-away collar...just in case, before letting her out. If she explores too far, someone my say "oh what a cute stray and keep her" if she doesn't have a collar on. Or, a dog may chase her and she may run without knowing where she is going and get confused where home is. Those are 'worst case scenarios', but it pays to be on the safe side.

A kitty door with an infrared that will only open to the cat wearing the remote would be nice. You can get them at Petco/PetSmart, etc. The infrared helps keep stray cats and 'creatures of the night' out of your house.

Going outside is healthy because cats get Vitamin D from the sun, plus it satisfies the 'hunter instinct' that cats have....even if it's just a leaf they stalk. My cats wouldn't be happy if they couldn't be indoor/outdoor cats!

As for taking Gracey back to your parent's house to visit, she may enjoy going and visiting or it may confuse her. It would depend on her personality and temperment and how well she would take the stress of riding in the car.
I hope this was helpful.
