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Sleeping on me

20 13:49:11

Hi Melissa,
I recently got a  female kitten (was told the owners of the mother estimated the age to be 8 weeks old) and I was wondering if its typical of kittens this young to sleep ON their new human. She doesn't sleep near me or beside me, but right on my back or stomach. Its not overly annoying, just a bit concerning as I tend to roll around a lot at night and I'm a bit concerned about rolling on her.
Is there some way to encourage her to sleep on a pillow on the bed, a safe distance from me? Or do I need to completely ban her from my bedroom until she's older?

Thank you very much!

This is simply her way of claiming/accepting you. There is nothing wrong with the picture unless it is bothersome to you. I would recommend getting her her own bed with stuffed animals to give her the feeling that she's not alone and encourage her to sleep in that instead. It will not be an overnight process as she will feel lonely getting used to other accomodations. It's very similar to a baby getting used to the first time sleeping in it's own room.