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momma cat was weaning & now regressed

20 13:49:11

My lovely queen has been a wonderful momma especially since it's her first litter & she is less than a year old. Kittens were doing great and displaying great enthusiasm @ meal time. I was mixing the cat milk formula with dry kitten food & a scoop of wet as well @ 6 wks old. Now kittens are almost 8 wks & momma cat is calling out to them encouraging them to nurse again! And they do, so much now I notice leftover or no intrest in food. She is starting to go into heat again is this the cause?

How many litters as she had? And just wondering if there is a reason why you haven't considered having her spayed? It's possible that she isn't ready to let go as kittens will nurse as long as the mother will let them, hence the weaning process for both mother and kittens. Complete separation is recommended for this reason. It is also possible that since she is going into heat again, her hormones are kicking in and giving her back her mothering instinct. I always recommend having cats spayed/neutered for two reason: behavior, which you are finding out one behavior change; also medical- to avoid cancers and infections that can happen in the uterus.