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My cats suddenly became aggressive

20 13:57:14

HI yesterday we left the house and apparently someone did not shut the door tight enough so they may have gotten out. We came home some time later and found that our home had been the subject of some bizzare cat accident, it seems our female crapped all over the house so after cleaning up the mess we ate dinner then all of a sudden our female seen our male and went visciouly crazy and attacking him, now we have to keep them separated our male is so confused he does not know what is going on but as soon as she sees him she goes absolutely nuts and trys to tear him apart. What has happened did he hurt her or something to provoke this?

Help please this is distressing as she is still nursing her last kitten.


Something has frightened her very badly, or threatened her kitten. Could another animal have gotten in the house? She may also have been bred if she got out? Because she is reacting like she is in pain.

I would put her and her kitten in a room by themselves for a few days with a litterbox and her food and water, and let her calm down. Your male may or may not have been the one that upset her. He may just be the victim of her reactions.

If she is not better soon, I would have a vet check her out.
