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Mother cat attacking her own daughter

20 13:57:14


My sister has two cats a mother and daughter, she got them just over a year ago, the mother is about years old and the daughter just over 1 year  old they were fine with each other up until a couple of months ago now the mother cat has started attacking her daughter she really bites her and the kitten squeals.  There have been no changes to the household no new people or animals but the mother cat is getting very aggressive with her kitten and we are worried she will really injure her daughter.  Both cats were dressed about 6 months ago but this behavior is only recently, my sister has tried moving their feeding bowls to different areas and they have separate beds but this hasn't stopped the attacks and the kitten is now very nervous of her mother she goes out of her way not to pass too near to her.  Any ideas  ?


Note: I'm sorry you feel that my helpfulness and knowledge is not up to par so I am including a copy of my previous response in case you didn't read it:

Is the daughter spayed? You may want to get her done if she is not already. Usually when a cat behaves like that towards another cat in the family it is because they smell different for some reason. Cats go by smell and not by sight in recognizing other cats. If the cat does not smell like she used to (like being in heat) the other cat(s) may think she is a different cat.

Cats do not have any recognition or concept of 'family'. After a cat is weaned they are no longer recognized as a daughter, mother, sister, etc.

Your daughter may have become the 'alpha' cat of the family, and dominant over the mother cat. Hissing, growing, and slapping are forms of 'kitty communication', and as long as there aren't any ears pinned back, or fur flying then they should be OK and will work it out.
The expert you asked your question of is no longer available, so I am trying to answer her questions.

This question was just answered to the owner of the cats. Please read the response. Another possiblity is that is it a medical issue. Pain causes sudden aggression. Your sister may want to have the cat checked by a vet for a medical issue causing her behavior.
