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forgotten litter box

20 14:08:25


I inherited a lovely 9 years old calico cat just a week ago, together with all her things - food and water bowls, litter box, bed, brushes, etc. I disposed her things around my apartment and she seemed to be adapting very quickly to the new layout. Until two days ago, when she started peeing and pooping around, minly in her bed (she never slept in it) and on my futon. She seems fine eating-wise and she is getting more affectionate every day, but what can I do to make her use her litter box again? I have been cleaning it every day (could that be too much?!?) and I have now removed the roof with flap that had before to see if it will help Praline find it. Any more suggestions?
Thank you

Hello Cristina!

Let me start off by asking you this: how did you come about inheriting this lovely kitty?  Was it that her previous owner died?  She might be responding to the stress of losing her owner.  Is there any way to put something in the house that smells like her prev owner?  What was her prev environment like?  Did coming to your home change her eating habits at all?

Have you ruled out any health problems?  Sometimes the stress of a change in environment can bring about a bladder infection, or other things, so it's a good idea to take her in to be sure there isn't anything wrong health-wise.

How many litterboxes does she have per the space?  Do you have a large apartment?  If so, you might consider getting another litterbox.  

Are you using the same kitty litter her prev. owner did?  Or did you change her litter?  If so, you might consider changing back and then switching over to the litter you'd like to use gradually, spanning a little more every time until you're completely switched over.

Sorry for such a large amount of questions.  I just need to have a bit more background and general information before I can give you any working advice about your new baby.  :o)

Hugs to you both!
