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weird cat is weird

20 14:06:58

First of all thanks for looking at this mail i appreciate the help xD
I have 2 question to ask about my weird cat.which is a male 9month old kiten.
1) he been sitting around the house in particular "strange" place other than his usual place such as the sofa and the beanie. He have been sitting at weird places like stairs, corner of the room Facing the wall!, corners of living room, or just random places where i believe is not comfortable for him. can u please tell me why he is behaving in that way?

2) I understand that when cat hunt, they keep quiet, hold themselve in a low pounce ready position. however, my cat makes a sound that resemble eak eak eak eak. while moving its mouth. it happnes whenever he see birds.. or insects . can u please tell me why is that. thanks

Hello Chris,

What may seem uncomfortable to you and me is sometimes appearantly very comfortable to the cat.  Having many cats in my home at any given time I am constantly wondering 'How on earth can you sleep in that position?!'

The noises he is making is because the instinct to 'hunt' the birds and insects stimulates him.  I've had many cats do the same it is quite normal.
