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Attacking/Bad behaving Kitten

20 13:49:17

I have an 8 month old kitten named Maizee. I got her 3 months ago. She has always been a very well behaved cat, cuddles and is just very sweet! Lately I have noticed a change in her. She has been eating at the drywall, chewing curtains, pulling up the carpet on my floor, and attacking me a lot ! I noticed awhile ago that she hasn't coughed up a hairball since I have had her, could this be the problem? Or is there something else I should be concerned about ?

To answer your hairball question, cats with either pass them in their stool or vomit them up. One thing to think about is how her stools have been. If they have been extremely firm, she might some issues going on, such as constipation.

Is she spayed? Specifically, how long ago did the behavior change and do you remember if something happened at that point in time that may have triggered this? And remember, anything little can trigger a behavior change in a cat.

As this point, my gut says that this is just another phase in life. However, it may not be healthy for her to be chewing on these different things. What I would recommend is implementing play times and relax times during the day. It sounds like she just may be bored and is trying to figure out how to spend her time. Just curious, you/have you played aggressive with her with your hands? Because this is tell-tale sign from that, as far as the attacking you goes.

For safety measures, I would make a visit with your vet and make sure nothing is going on health wise. Other than that, I would implement those times during the day, keeping in mind that play times is strictly with toys and relax time is strictly petting and relaxing (and forced if need-be.)

Let me know how things go as this can easily turn into a trial and error situation.