Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Cat starts crying and climbing whilst cooking

Cat starts crying and climbing whilst cooking

20 13:55:33

I have just got a 13 week old Bengal kitten.. he has been fantastic so far, very cuddly, quietly talks with us and has no issues with his feed times - however I have a problem when I start to cook for myself.  He starts to go mad, doing anything he can to get up on the surface and yeoling really loudly. I try to ignore him, but it's becoming a problem.  What should I do?


You don't say whether he has kitten chow available free choice so he can munch when he is hungry.

A trick I use to keep cats busy when I'm cooking is to put a small stripe of mayonnaise or butter down each front leg. It helps with hairballs and the cats lick it, and it's greasy, so it keeps them busy cleaning their legs.

I would keep a rolled up newspaper handy when you are cooking and when he starts misbehaving pop him one with the newspaper. It doesn't hurt them but the noise scares them. Cats go by association and pretty soon he will associate the newspaper with trying to climb where he isn't supposed to be. After you pop him wait a few minutes then love on him. You want him afraid of climbing, but NOT afraid of you. If he does again, repeat until he learns that is not acceptable behavior.

Just for your information and reference here is a good site about bengals:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)

I hope this helps.