Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > stray cats relieve themselfs in my garden

stray cats relieve themselfs in my garden

20 14:08:29

How can I deter stray cats from digging & deficating in my flower garden? I dont want to harm the cats, but need some deterant to stop them. Is there anything I can spray that will be offensive to them, but not hurt them or my family dog?If my Dog finds any feces she wants to eat it.  Thank you....Joanne ( bobbyjo )

Hello, Joanne!

I've never had the experience of deterring kitties from my garden, but have heard of a few things that should help.  

There are different sprays that you can buy at pet stores that are cat deterrants, and shouldn't be harmful to any kinds of animals (especially if they're made for the outdoors).  I would go to your local pet store, and check it out...if it says it won't harm animals, don't worry, it is.  

I'm going to post your question on the cat forum I belong to as well, to see what I  can find out in addition to the suggestions I've given, ok?  I'll let you know what I've received in response.  :o)

Until then, hugs to you guys!
