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My cat is getting agresive

20 14:04:57

My cat was really great when we had her, we moved next to an old lady and my cat wanted to live there and wouldn't come home, so we agreed that the elderly lady could keep the cat as she had grown attached.
This morning my cat attacked the old lady and the lady has had to go on antibiotics as it was so bad, this is the 4th time it has happened and it happens out of the blue, this morning it was while the lady was trying to get out of bed.
The lady wont let me have my cat back and I'm worried about it I'm not sure what to do.




How terrible! It sounds like something from a horror movie! It also sounds like something is going on that you are not aware of.

It's not nice to say...but cats can sense death. Is the lady in poor health? Also the lady could have a new smell about her that the cat is attacking. She hasn't been rolling in catnip has she? (No, it's not funny but I couldn't help adding that). Or maybe she stepped on the cat when she got out of bed.

I WOULD go get the cat back, but maybe I would bring her a new loving cat from the pound to exchange with. Tell her something like you care too much about her to have her injured by a cat with mental problems (no, I'm not saying your cat's just something to say to get your cat back), or tell her it's time for the cat to get his shots, something like that.

But if you get your cat and he goes back to the lady's
house then I would have to say let them work it out. But try to get the cat's claws trimmed!

Keep me posted.
