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My cat brings me gifts

20 13:55:16

I got my cat a few months ago and lately he has been bringing me "gifts", first a live mouse then a lizard. Some say that they really are "gifts", can you elaborate more on this and how can i stop this from reoccurring (as i obviously dont want more live mice running in my home)


It supposedly stems from when cats were in the wild. They would bring 'gifts' back to the den as a social gesture.

Personally, I don't believe they are 'gifts', though that is the common thought as to the reason for bringing live creatures they caught inside. Or like mine, besides trying to bring in live mice, birds, and bugs, one would bring just the heads of it's prey. I think it is because the cat is proud and protective of it's catch and he wants to bring it into the house where it is safe from another cat trying to get it. I don't belive a cat knows the concept of 'gift'.

I had to train my cats that I did NOT want their prizes to be brought in the house. If I catch a cat trying to bring in something, especially a live something, I block them coming in and tell them to "take it back outside!!" and boot them back out the door with their prize. Now they know, but occassionally one will still try. One of my spookier cats had a big dragon fly recently and tried to bring it in. She knew I wasn't going to let her, but she didn't want to drop it, but on the other hand she wanted in really bad. You could see the indecision on her face. She finally dropped it and ran in. Cats go by association, habit, and instinct. They do not have reasoning abilities.

I've had to set electronic mouse traps for the mice the cats brought in and dropped, and I've also had loose birds flying around! It is like any kind of training where the cat knows it's not supposed to do something. You need to let the cat know that "NO!!" he can't bring something live inside. Hopefully you can catch the cat each time he tries until the cat associates trying to bring in his catch is going to result in him getting yelled at and made to take it back outside. Now,(most of the time) my cats don't even try because they know (most of the time) that it's not going to work.

They do pout and sulk and get depressed if they have to leave it outside for another cat to get, so my cats will usually play with it outside until they are bored with whatever it is, and THEN come inside.

Just for additional interesting information, here is a link on why cats do certain things:
(copy and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar)

I hope this answered your question.
