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Depressed Cat

20 13:53:04

We were given an adult cat from our daughters boss.  She was moving and couldn't take him with her.  Our daughter told us after we had the cat that he had been hiding under the bed for 6 years.  Apparently he had gotten outside and was gone for 2 weeks.  He has been like this ever since.  We are keeping him in a large bathroom.  Its the only way to keep him from hiding under the bed.  He looks and acts depressed.  He sits in one corner in the same position and doesn't like being approached.  I pet him anyway.  We don't know what to do for him.


Personally, I would let him hide under the bed if that is where he is happiest and feels the safest. Keep his 'necessities' in the room also (litterbox, food, water) so he doesn't have to go far for them. Putting him in the bathroom is only adding to his stress of a new home, new people, etc. Cats that unsure and frightened will be more so out in the open, as will petting him if he doesn't trust you yet or trying to make him sociable.

It may take you months of patience to get the cat to trust you. Hopefully it won't take that long....but it might.

He will come out from under the bed when he feels secure and safe, if ever. His basic personality won't come out for a while...and that may BE his basic personality.

Food is a great bribe. Try giving him some tuna or tinned sardines in oil. That is so he will associate you with something pleasant and not negative.

It is going to take a lot of time, patience, and gentleness around him to earn his trust.
