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Kitten want human food!

20 14:06:28

I recently got a 10 week old kitten from the humane society and he's great.  the only problem is he wants very badly to eat any food I'm eating.  He seems desperate to get a taste, what can I do to stop this.


I would suggest having the kitten wormed. If he has worms then they would be eating the food he is eating and he would always be hungry. Do not get a wormer from a pet store though, get it from a veterinarian. With the over-the-counter wormers the worms are developing an immunity to it. A vet has the latest products being marketed.

If he wants to try your food then give him a taste in HIS food bowl. Do not give him anything from the table. Be firm with this AND consistant. If he tries to get in your lap, dump him to the floor and loudly and firmly say "NO! Not on the table!". If he minded you, after you are through eating, pick him up and give him some loving. He will eventually associate getting dumped and scolded with begging and should stop IF you don't give him tidbits at any time. You can also him lock him in a room when you are eating.

Keeping a bowl full of dry catfood always available (free-choice feeding) helps too. That way if he is hungry there is food available to nibble on. I always have fed free choice and have never had a problem with weight or bad habits.

They are just like kids...they will see what they can get away with. They know by the tone of your voice if it is something they shouldn't be doing. Treat them like a 4-legged, furry kid. Punish bad behavior and reward good behavior, but make sure they know the difference. But make sure he is getting enough to eat and that is not why he is trying to get your food.
