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cat peeing on bed

20 13:54:43

I'm writing to ask you a question about my cat's behavior.  My boyfriend rescued our cat when she was a tiny kitten (about 4 weeks old) and he has raised her since.  They are very closely bonded and the cat likes to be with him most of the time and cries when he leaves.  However, when he's home, while she is often with him, she also likes to socialize with other family members and play with the two dogs.  She's a generally very agreeable and outgoing cat and seems to adapt well - he rescued her from China and brought her home to the states. Despite the 30+ hour trip, she was running around and even playing with the dogs in less than a day.

The only problem is that she sometimes pees on the bed.  She *only* does it when my boyfriend is there.  For example, we just went on a two week trip and she did not do it at all, but when he got home she peed the first night.  We suspect she may have made some connection between peeing on the bed and him either leaving or coming home, but we don't know. We don't have any clear connection other than the fact that she does not do it when he is gone.  

This weekend he will be moving to another city and living for a few months with a family.  We are concerned that she will pee in the new place and want to figure out how to prevent this, as well as break the habit of peeing on the bed.  As I said, she is in general a very well adjusted cat and not neurotic or temperamental normally.  We do hope, though, that we can put a stop to this behavior.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




Yes, it most likely is related to him being gone. She is showing him how upset it makes her in the only way she knows how. You can try to catch her at it and use a rolled up newspaper on her. Cats go by association, and if she associates the rolled up newspaper with peeing it may deter her. You want to love her afterwards because you want her to be scared of the newspaper (it doesn't hurt her, the noise just scares her) and NOT afraid of you/him.

Since I cannot put all the information in this reply, I am including some links to good articles about improper elimination. Please read them. They will have good information that you should find helpful in dealing with the kitten's behavior.
(copy and paste or type the whole links into your address bar)


here is a 'recipe' for cat urine odor removal:

1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon of liquid soap

(3% hydrogen peroxide can be bought at most grocery and drug stores in pint and quart bottles).

Gently mix all ingredients in a non-metal container. Do not mix or shake vigorously!

The mixture is best used when fresh but can be stored. Do not keep mixture in an airtight container.  Have a VERY loose lid as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide when mixed together will release oxygen and an airtight container will explode. You can mix and keep it in large spray bottle (Home Depot, etc.) but a plastic liter or 2-liter soda bottle works just a well.

Always test for color-fastness. Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent in stronger concentrations and can lighten materials that are not color-fast.


Put the items in the washing machine and pour in enough of the recipe to cover thoroughly. This might take a few gallons depending on the size of the load. Soak for at least 24 hours. Rinse and rewash using normal washing detergent. If any of the odor is still present, soak again for 24 hours, rinse and rewash.

A small area on a comforter can be spot treated by saturating the area thoroughly, letting it dry for 24 hours, then washing the comforter normally in the washer with detergent. Always check for color-fastness before using.


For mattresses you must saturate the spot thoroughly to get deep down into the padding and springs to neutralize the urine. If the cat has urinated alot in one spot, the mattress can be soiled all the way to the other side! Let the area dry for 24-48 hours without bedding then reapply if necessary.

For sofas the same directions as above apply but always check for color-fastness in a hidden area before using. Cotton is used in alot of upholstery fabrics and is easily bleached. If your sofa pillow cushion covers can be unzipped and taken off (must be color-fast and washable) you can put them in the washing machine. See How to Remove from Clothing, Comforters and Bedding for instructions.
