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Mother Cat turns on Black Lab

20 13:54:06

Cute Cat (CC) has 4 kittens, 6wk old. The 3 yr old lab and CC have been together since she was a kitten. The lab is gentle and allows kittens to climb & play on her for the last 2 weeks. Last night, out of the blue, CC turned on Roxy and literally stalks her around the house hissing and scratching to where they have to be seperated. We thought it would pass, but she has continued it at any chance she gets and now my dog is at my hip and wont come downstairs unless CC finds her and chases her downstairs. Will this pass? What happened?


That is normal behavior for a mother cat. The kittens are starting to go out on their own and the mother probably feels she is losing control of the situation and it is stressing her out. So she is attacking the dog who she suddenly sees as a threat to the kittens. She is being protective.

A couple of other possibilities are:

that she is in heat again. If possible I would get her spayed soon. A cat can get pregnant again in as little as 14 days to 2 weeks after giving birth!
That can affect her personality and cause aggression.

or, she may be in pain from an infection or something else. It's not a great possibility, but pain CAN cause sudden aggression.

AND sometimes, only the cat knows why it behaves in a certain manner. Maybe she perceived in her mind that the dog did something that SHE thought was threatening and is reacting to it.

I would keep the dog away from her or keep the mom and kittens in a safe room where she doesn't see the dog and can't get to her for a few days and let mom calm down.
