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I have two 7 month old kittens who are driving My boyfriend crazy

20 13:57:24

I have two beautiful 7 month old kittens who are large. They are getting into everything on counters, in My boyfriend's room. We tried spraying them with water, which doesn't really work anymore! Also they are not using the litter box correctly, they don't cover up what they left but they try to by scratching the box, walls, carpet and now they bring things to put over what they left. Also, seem to be spraying even though we got them fixed, could they be spraying or are using the litter box for all bodily functions? Could you help us try to train our kittens to not jump on the counters, to leave our food alone, to use the litter box correctly so my boyfriend will quit threatening me with getting rid of them.


That is normal behavior for happy, healthy, energectic kittens. They are like children and have to be taught what to do and what not to do. Using a rolled up newspaper and slapping it hard when they get on something they shouldn't helps them know what you don't approve of. Cats go by association and habit. When they do something that results in a scary noise, they will learn to associate that behavior with a something scary, like the noise, and stop doing it. BUT you need to love on the afterwards so they are not scared of you, but what they are getting on, etc. But you need to get them alternatives to play and jump on.

Try getting them more interactive toys and things to help burn off their energy. You can get a kitty condo (cat scratching tree with levels) so they run up and down it and play on it. Rubbing it with catnip helps them learn it is theirs and CAN jump on it. A pet laser light (from Petco, PetSmart, etc.) is great for energetic cats. They love to chase the 'little red bug' on floors, walls, ceilings, etc. Get little stuffed toy mice they can bat around, and little balls they can chase. Even pull a shoestring around.

Not covering the litter is common behavior, and sometimes they will grow out of it. What helps is getting a larger litterbox with deeper litter in it.

Enjoy their antics now, because when they get older, they will settle down and sleep more and won't be the funny, pain in the necks that they are now when they are teenagers. It's all part of raising 'kids'!
