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Cats on counter

20 13:58:50

Hi! I have two indoor cats and two indoor dogs. Everyone gets along perfectly.  Problem is, I feed the cats on top of an unused desk in a spare room so the dogs won't get it.(I've never known a dog that didn't love catfood!) There is always food available.  So is there any way I can possilby train them not to jump on the kitchen counter while still allowing them to jump on their desk to eat??? I don't want to confuse them.  Thanks so much!!!


I'm sorry but we lost our other expert so I am trying to get her questions answered.

Pick the cats up when they get on the kitchen counter and say NO! firmly, then carry them to the desk. If they do not comprehend after doing that a few times, get a rolled up newspaper and slap is down on the counter hard while saying NO! They should associate the loud noise with getting on the counter and stop. Pet them when they are on the desk, saying "good kitty". Cats are all about associations.

You can also put a mouse trap UPSIDE DOWN, under a taped down newspaper (to assure they can't get injured by it) on the counter where they land when they jump. When they jump on the counter/newspaper, the mousetrap will go off and scare them.

I hope this works for you.
