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8 week old kitten

20 14:08:32

I started weaning him at about four and a half weeks with wet kitten food. He only eats two or three bites of solid food a day and I'm giving him dry kitten food mixed with a little bit of liquid to soften it. I don't know what to do, I have an appointment with the vet to have my older cat spayed in a few weeks and the kitten is supposed to stop nursing at least a week before the appointment! I'm getting very upset. I might have to give this kitten away too just to get him to stop nursing:( I have run out of ideas. I even tried keeping them in different rooms so they would stay away from each other but than they both start howling and screeching!

Hello again!

I got a response from a very reliable individual on the forum where I posted your question.  Here's what she had to sayf or advice:

"I know that a kitten will continue to nurse as long as the queen will allow him to so this is a problem for you, I am certain. I have never had to do this, so I cannot personally vouch for whether or not it is effective, but a couple of breeders I know suggested that you get yourself a tube sock ... cut the toe off and slip it over your girl to prevent the kitten from nursing. While I can offer no other advice than this, I would request a picture of your girl wearing her tube sock if you can manage it. While I am not in any way trying to make light of your concerns, it would be amusing to see a cat wearing a tube sock. *wink*"

I asked her if the kitty is bigger around, if a baby t-shirt would due, and she said:

"So long as the baby shirt is tight enough that the cat can't remove it, I would imagine that would be fine. As I said, I have never had to do it but it made at least some small bit of sense. The problem I would see with it would be that if, like most cats, this girl is tenacious enough, she will simply flop over on the side and rub whatever clothing you put on her right off again. So, of a necessity, whatever you use has to be tight enough to prevent that, but loose enough not to constrict."

So, there you go!  Let me know how this works...I'm interested to know!  :o)
