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Cat fight

20 13:53:03

I need help...last year May 2008 I got a stray cat. Now she is an in and outdoor cat. She got spayed last year December 2008.  this year I got another stray cat. I got him around May 2009.  My female cat  does not like the male cat. The male cat does not like the female cat.  Just like 4 days ago I had to take my female cat the the emergency hospital because she was bleeding besides the eye. The male cat scratch her. i thought she was bleeding because she got scratch in he eyeball but no, the doctor saw she got scratch by the side of the eye.  This October my male cat is getting neuter.  What can I do so my cats won't harm themselves.  I do not want to abandon either of them because i love them...Help


Neutering the male will definitely help his behavior, but it may not instantly make them like each other. Cats are like people, some have a personality clash and cannot get along. Usually with cats it is a territorial issue.

I would get after them with a rolled up newspaper saying loudly "no fighting!!" to let them know that you won't allow that kind of behavior. Then wait a few minutes and love on them because you want them afraid of the newspaper and to fight, but NOT afraid of YOU!

Here are some suggestions:

When she is outside love on him and give him quality time. When she is inside lock him in a room for awhile to let her relax and give her some quality time with you.

Get a pet laser light (Petco, PetSmart, etc.). The cats love to chase to chase to little red 'bug' on the floors, walls, and ceiling. They tend to forget about each other when they focus on the 'bug' and it can help them be together without fighting.

Get some special cat treat like Tuna (people kind), tinned sardines in oil, etc. and feed them together. That is so they will associate each other with something pleasant and not negative.

You can try rubbing catnip in the carpet which can help mellow cats out. Though I have 2 cats that catnip will make them aggressive. You just have to try it and see how they react to it.

Also keep the cat's claws trimmed to help avoid injuries. Here is a great link with photos that show how to trim the cat's claws with photos:
