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concern for older cat

20 14:08:33

I have a male tabby cat that is desexed,declawed x4 and raised him since he was 1hr. old. he is now going on 15. When my wife & I moved into our new home her cat died of kidney problems and she has stated that she really misses her cat which was a real lover/snuggler. We have been in this house for 3 1/2 yrs.I have given her a 8week female kitten which my wife now adores. But my cat only hisses at the kitten and runs from the area and hids.What can we do to get then togeather?

Hello Curtis.  

Sounds like your boy isn't quite sure what to make of this little critter!  :o)

How long have you guys had the kitten?  

If you've only had her about a week, you can try reintroducing them, but as it sounds like you've had her longer, the best thing you can do is provide your boy somewhere he can go that gives him time away from the new little addition.  A good idea would be to have a room that his necessities in it (that has your things as well, like your bedroom) so he can just stay there if he chooses.  Another idea would be to set up a cat tree/house (if the baby kitty hasn't yet discovered the ability to climb, or doesn't yet have the guts to try) for him (if he likes heights, that is).

It actually sounds like things are going better than they could be, considering he sounds like a very-nonaggressive male.  It sounds mostly like he's not sure what to make of her, and thus feels the need to hiss (which is a cat's natural reflex when they're frightened or unsure of things) and run off.  As the kitten grows, he'll become more aware that it's another kitty, and they'll be more familiar with each other.

You're actually quite fortunate that he didn't go the other way with things, and become angry with the kitten or try to pick fights.  Him hissing is merely out of insecurity.  If it were in anger of distaste, he wouldn't then run and hide, he would instead start a fight.

By what you're describing, it sounds like you've had the kitten about two weeks (or at least less than a month), correct?  If that's correct, within a month, things will settle down.  They might never be a couple of cuddlebugs, considering the age difference, but your boy will adjust and be just fine.

If things change, and fights start to break out or you're worried that things are going in that direction, drop me another line and let me know what's happening.  If he just growls a little (and even if he bats at her a couple times) don't's when they start to actually fight that you should worry at all, and even that's able to be handled.  Just write me again if things go in that direction (which I'm quite sure they WON'T), and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Otherwise, relax...he's actually handling things quite well.  At his age, a change like that makes him insecure, and thus the hissing.  It won't be long that they should be able to be in the same room together, and things calm down a bit.

You could buy a product called Feliway that should be able to calm him down.  It's a product that emits cat pheromones that calm kitties, and comes in either a spray or a plug-in.  He might feel better about the situation if you had that, but all in all, things should work out just fine.

I applaud you worrying, shows that you love your boy very much, and that's always nice to hear.  :o)

Hugs to all of you!  Let me know how things progress, ok?  :o)
